How to Garden in Small or Urban Spaces?
Welcome to, the gardening resource of Al Gracian 3. AlboPepper is for urban gardeners who enjoy the science of plant growing. Not just what to do, but also WHY we do it. This is gardening for open-minded people who like to learn.
- Key Gardening Topics:
- Water Conservation Techniques
- Sub-Irrigation (Self-Watering Planters)
- Soil Additives (Fertilizers & Organic)
- Raised Beds (How to Improve Yields)
- Container Gardening (Vegetables & Perennials)
- LED Grow Lights (Science & Reviews)
Learn the scientific principles behind the methods.
Be sure to look at my SIP pages for ideas on building your own self-watering (sub-irrigated) planters. In particular, I've put together a YouTube video about how to build a self-wicking raised bed. Be sure to check it out, along with my follow-up videos in my: SIP PLAYLIST.
Why I Do This:
Urban gardening isn't just some growing trend. For people like me, I grow food to survive - to feed myself and my family. Growing food in the city differs from conventional farming techniques.

I've come to find a rewarding hobby while also saving THOUSANDS of dollars on my food budget!
I've investigated a great deal about how plants grow. I've researched modern techniques of food production. It has taught me what really works. Gardening can be a costly hobby with disappointing results. My goal is to help you to take the other path. I want you to find success. To get the most bang for your buck and to have fun doing it!
Buy it Now! - Kid's Book (Plant Science)
Persephone's Quest for a Green Thumb
The wait is over! You can finally order your book today!!
LEARN MORE ABOUT MY BOOK: I've been working on a beautifully illustrated kid's book that teaches plant science. I'm completely self-publishing. I wrote it. I did all of the design work, including the front cover design. Rather than asking for handouts on Patreon, I've created a quality product that shares my passion for growing plants. Please consider buying my book and leaving a review on Amazon. This would be an amazing way to show your support!
How to grow veggies in planters that contain wicking water reservoirs!
SIP Basics: How They Work:
- Fertilizing SIPs in Year 1
- Refreshing Old Potting Mix
- Fertilizer Application
- Over-fertilization & Run-off
- SIP Gardens: Expectations
SIP Design Tutorials:
- ALBO-STEIN: Micro Planter
- 5 GALLON BUCKET: Self-Watering Planter
- 30 GALLON TOTE: Planter
Featured Urban Gardening Quick Links:
- Garden Soil vs Potting Mix
- How Composting Works
- Worm Bins & Vermicomposting
- Seed Starting: Containers
- Container Gardening
- How Much Vegetable Yield?
- Wine Cap Mushrooms
- Venus Flytraps
- Wildlife Control
- Natives vs Invasives
- Backyard Orchard: Planning
Learn the basics about artificial indoor lighting!
- Natural Light
- Artificial Light
- PAR Light & Spectral Quality
- Red/Blue LEDs -No Green?
- LED Disappointment
- Cost Savings Calculator
These are some films, books and garden products that I've written reviews for.
I now have over 100 super healthy plant-based / vegan recipes!
What's Albopepper All About?
Expect to see: Experiments & tests. Product reviews & unboxing videos. Edible landscaping is a growing focus along with permacultural concepts. I love high density planting, container gardening & SIP sub-irrigated (self-watering) planters. To deal with climate change & drought we need every possible tool & technique.
Sustainability is crucial. But not everyone can adhere to the same method. So Albopepper explores lots of methods, the pros & cons & the growth that results. This allows each person to evaluate ALL options & select the things that work best for them. The main thing is to get out there & garden!!!
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Learn more about me, my background and my personal life.